I'm trying to add Roxy Fileman to my project.
It works fine while debugging using localhost (meaning I can see the folders and manage them), but it doesn't work when I try to access it from the browser.
My project is on IIS 7. I tried to change the path in the file conf.json like this:
"FILES_ROOT": "C:\SRV-XX\MyProject\Docs",
but I get this error: "error loading asp_net/main.ashx".
I read this link so I tried to remove this code from the web.config inside the fileman folder:
<remove fileExtension=".json"/>
<mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json"/>
but still nothing, I only get these alerts (E_LoadingConf and E_ActionDisables) and I'm not able to see the folders.
I also read this article to make IIS handle*.jon files but it won't work either.
I don't really know how to fix this...please help me..this is driving me crazy!
I figured it out!
I'm actually using asp .net framework 4.0.
I noticed that in my fileman/web.config I had these 3 code lines:
<add assembly="System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
I commented them and it worked! That assembly only works from framework 4.5.
That's it!