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How to deploy atg CommerceReferenceStore again after deploying my own atg module?

Initially I have installed ATG and CommerceReferenceStore and configured it using ATG CIM. Later on I started working on my own ATG Module by deploying it on "ATGProduction.ear". Now I want to hit the CommerceReferenceStore's default application but I am not to do so! And if I do so it gives an error saying 404-not found!

Now my query is that whether I have to re-install it in order to access it or is there any other way through which I can access it directly with re-installing??


  • This is how you do it.

    Open %DYNAME_HOME%/../CIM/log/cim.log

    Search for atg.cim.productconfig.appassembly.RunAssemblerExecutorTask runAssembler -server

    This will take you to the line where CIM executed runAssembler to generate ATGProduction.ear; The command will be something like this... runAssembler -server "ATGProduction" "A:/home/../home/cimEars/ATGProduction.ear" -m DCS-UI.Versioned BIZUI PubPortlet DafEar.Admin ContentMgmt.Versioned DCS-UI.SiteAdmin.Versioned SiteAdmin.Versioned DCS.Versioned DCS-UI Store.EStore.Versioned Store.Storefront ContentMgmt.Endeca.Index.Versioned DCS.Endeca.Index.Versioned Store.Endeca.Index.Versioned DCS.Endeca.Index.SKUIndexing Store.EStore.International.Versioned Store.Endeca.International

    All you have to do is add your own ATG module at the end of the command, assuming your module is VarunModule The new command will be like this

    runAssembler -server "ATGProduction" "A:/home/../home/cimEars/ATGProduction.ear" -m DCS-UI.Versioned BIZUI PubPortlet DafEar.Admin ContentMgmt.Versioned DCS-UI.SiteAdmin.Versioned SiteAdmin.Versioned DCS.Versioned DCS-UI Store.EStore.Versioned Store.Storefront ContentMgmt.Endeca.Index.Versioned DCS.Endeca.Index.Versioned Store.Endeca.Index.Versioned DCS.Endeca.Index.SKUIndexing Store.EStore.International.Versioned Store.Endeca.International VarunModule

    Execute this command this will generate a single ear file that contains both CommerceReferenceStore aas well as your own module. Deploy this new ear file in production server instance in your application server and start it, remove any existing deployments on that server to avoid any errors with using same context root etc., best of luck.