Search code examples

filter defects by dates, selected from combobox rally

Want to filter defects by three conditions Open defects, defect release start date, and defect release end date. For release start date and release end date I am selecting from date combobox.

Below is my code

            _prepareChart: function() {
                that = this;
                console.log("start date", that._startDate);
                console.log("end date", that._endDate);
                Ext.create('', {
                    model: 'Defect',
                    //fetch: ['Release'],
                    limit: Infinity,
                    field: 'State',
                    autoLoad: true,
                    storeConfig: {
                        filters: [
                                property: 'State',
                                operator: '=',
                                value: "Open"
                                property: 'Release.ReleaseStartDate',
                                operator: '=',
                                value: that._startDate
                                property: 'Release.ReleaseDate',
                                operator: '<=',
                                value: that._endDate                                
                    listeners: {
                        load: this._onDataLoaded,
                        //load: this._onDataLoadedfirst,
                        scope: this

Below is the application screen from where I am selecting the dates

enter image description here


  • You may use javascript toISOString method as in this example

    var today = new Date().toISOString();
       Ext.create('', {
          models: ['UserStory','Defect'],
          fetch: ['Owner', 'FormattedID','Name','ScheduleState','Tasks'],
           autoLoad: true,
          filters : [
                property: 'Iteration.StartDate',
                operator: '<=',
                value: today
                 property: 'Iteration.EndDate',
                 operator: '>=',
                 value: today
            listeners: {
               load: this._onDataLoaded,
               scope: this