I know it’s a general question but I’m just opening this for discussion. I have to assume someone else must have done similar and I don’t want to do a lot of code to find out my solution wouldn’t work.
Here's what I have. A user will add a file to the database as an OLE object and associate some attitude to the file - project it's associated to, version etc. I’m using Access – customer choice not mine!
When they want to edit it, they will need to check it out. At this stage I want to monitor the file and when they save it, to restore it back to the database.
I'm thinking that file system watcher is my best way - monitor the change and save it back to the database when the change even is triggered and I can gain access to the file. If it's still opened the application will have it locked so I know that the user isn’t finish.
So in short my question is file system watcher the proper way to approach this? Anyone suggest anything else?
Thanks, Jim
As M4GNV5 says, FileSystemWatcher
will work for this but it's a bit overkill. Using one is pretty involved in code as it's quite error-prone and needs very exact usage patterns to be successful. It also has a certain amount of overhead as it needs to hook into the filesystem driver in kernel mode.
An alternate solution might use polling.
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(filePath);
DateTime oldTime = info.LastWriteTimeUtc;
await Task.Wait(1000);
} while(info.LastWriteTimeUtc == oldTime);
using(Stream s = File.OpenRead(filePath))
// ok, file was modified and is unlocked. copy back.
// file is locked, retry.
oldTime = info.LastWriteTimeUtc;
This first waits for the file's modify time to change, and then checks for it to be unlocked.