I am not sure how to map below given entities.
Below are the tables.
Employee { ID, Name, Role_ID } (Role_ID is foreign key from Role table)
Role {Role_ID, Name }
Below are the classes:
class Employee
public virtual string ID { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual Role EmpRole { get; set; }
class Role
public virtual string RoleID { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
Below are the Mappings:
public class EmployeeMap : ClassMap<Employee>
public EmployeeMap()
Id(x => x.ID, "ID");
Map(x => x.Name, "NAME");
//for relationship not sure which mapping to be used???
public class RoleMap : ClassMap<Role>
public RoleMap()
Id(x => x.RoleID, "ROLE_ID");
Map(x => x.RoleID, "ROLE_ID");
Map(x => x.Name, "ROLE_NAME");
//For relationship not sure what to be used????
Scenario : One Employee will have one role. One Role can be assigned to multiple employee.
Please suggest me how to write the relationship for both entities?
You are facing the most common scenario. The mapping in this case would be many-to-one
which in fluent is represented with .References()
public EmployeeMap()
Id(x => x.ID, "ID");
Map(x => x.Name, "NAME");
References(x => x.EmpRole , "Role_ID");
The best overview (I am aware about) is available here:
Suprisingly this post is not about fluent NHibernate but about mapping by code. The second half however, compares with fluent - and provides really comprehensive overivew. Small snippet:
References(x => x.PropertyName, "column_name")
.PropertyRef(x => x.PropertyRef)
.Formula("arbitrary SQL expression")
In case you would search for NHibernate doc (fluent operates on top of it) you should check the:
If you want Fluent-NHibernate doc:
Finally, if you like to see which Employees belong to each Role, you can extend your POCO:
class Role
public virtual string RoleID { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Employee> Employees { get; set; }
And map it as a <bag>
HasMany(x => x.Employees)