From this code I received an error.
//Prepare insert statement.
if($InsertEventQuery = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT into events(eventname, eventdesc, eventmonth, eventdate, eventyear, eventstart, eventend) VALUES ('$EventName','$EventDesc','$EventMonth','$EventDate','$EventYear','$EventStart','$EventEnd')"))
//Bind parameters of insert statement.
$InsertEventQuery->bind_param('ssiiiii', $EventName, $EventDesc, $EventMonth, $EventDate, $EventYear, $EventStart, $EventEnd);
This is the error:
Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of variables doesn't match number of parameters in prepared statement in[...]
I looked into it because the error appears to be incorrect and found:
You do not need to bind parameters in this case. Placeholders are used for the values in an INSERT statement, or in a WHERE clause. (Note that placeholders are not allowed for identifiers, such as the column names in your statement.)
This confused me and I am now wondering in interest of security, when is it necessary to bind parameters and when is it necessary to use placeholders.
Binding parameters is a good idea in any INSERT statement as it will prevent SQL injection, and will also sanitize your strings for free.
I usually get it working using question mark in prepare statement like this:
//Prepare insert statement.
if ($InsertEventQuery = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT into events(eventname, eventdesc, eventmonth, eventdate, eventyear, eventstart, eventend) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"))
//Bind parameters of insert statement.
$InsertEventQuery->bind_param('ssiiiii', $EventName, $EventDesc, $EventMonth, $EventDate, $EventYear, $EventStart, $EventEnd);