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Implements a 4 input xor using a 2 input xor code

Let's say that i only have the entity below of a 2 input XOR to create a a 4 input XOR.

entity exclusive_or is
 port(A,B: in BIT; S: out BIT);
end exclusive_or;

I know i have to declare some signals, but don't know how.


  • First, let's draw on paper what we want to do:


    Then, we convert this to VHDL:

    entity exclusive_or_4 is port(
        A,B,C,D: in BIT;
        S: out BIT
    end entity;
    architecture rtl of exclusive_or_4 is
        signal output : bit_vector(1 downto 0);
        U0: component exclusive_or port map (
            A => A,
            B => B,
            S => output(0)
        U1: component exclusive_or port map (
            A => C,
            B => D,
            S => output(1)
        U2: component exclusive_or port map(
            A => output(0),
            B => output(1),
            S => S
    end architecture;