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using tinymce with blockui

What I want to do is grey out the my webpage background with blockUI, then open an tinymce on top. I can get this to work initially, but I open another tinymce dialog like to insert a link or edit the html source, the dialog opens but it's blocked. I'm wondering if there is a way to unblock this in blockUI. I've tried a few things but haven't been successful. Here is my current code:

var editDiv="<div id='tMce'><p>";   
editDiv+="<textarea style='width:90%;height:400px;' id='ed_"+theID+"'>"+theHTML+"</textarea><p>";
editDiv+="<button onclick='closeCMS();'>close</button> ";
editDiv+="<button onclick='saveEdit("+dq+theID+dq+","+dq+theID+dq+")'>save</button> ";

    $.blockUI({ message: editDiv }); 

        selector: "textarea",
        theme: "modern",
        plugins: [
    "advlist autolink lists link charmap print preview anchor",
    "searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen",
    "insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste"




  • One solution that seems to work is to pass bindEvents: false in the .blockUI call as an option (along with message, etc.). See for how the failing fiddle (at was amended to allow the plug in to work.

    In your case, $.blockUI({ message: editDiv }); becomes

    $.blockUI({ message: editDiv, bindEvents: false });

    One potential downside to this issue is that this approach unbinds everything in the blockUI overlay, not just tinymce plugins, so could be too overreaching for your needs.