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Registering a class' function in LuaBridge, then calling it via a lua script?

Whenever I run the program, it prints nothing to the console. This works fine if I don't use a class and just do it all in main().

The moment I put it in a class, I start having problems. What am I doing wrong?

using namespace luabridge;

    lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();
    getGlobalNamespace(L).beginClass<myClass>("myClass").addFunction("printMessage", &myClass::printMessage).endClass();
    luaL_dofile(L, "test.lua");
    lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);

void myClass::printMessage(const std::string& s)
    std::cout << s << std::endl;

My lua script "test.lua"

I've tried

c = myClass()
c:printMessage("You can call C++ functions from Lua!")


myClass:printMessage("You can call C++ functions from Lua!")


printMessage("You can call C++ functions from Lua!")


  • There are three options to do what you want:

    1. If you want to construct a myClass instance in lua, and use it like your first example, you need to also export a constructor after the beginClass:

      .addConstructor <void (*) (void)> ()

    2. Construct a myClass instance in C++, and then pass it to lua using some other function. Then lua may access it like:


    3. Make printMessage static, and export it with the following:

      .addStaticFunction("printMessage", &myClass::printMessage)

      Then you can call it in lua using:


    Notice the difference between . and : in the calls. . accesses like a static and : accesses like an instance.