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Using 32bit .so file in a 64bit environment

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and I am getting the following error while compiling a Qt project which needs a 32bit .so file.

error: skipping incompatible /opt/lib/ when searching for -lEposCmd

I want to compile this project with -m32 option but I don't know where should I insert this option.


  • Problem Solved through below instruction:

    • installing g++-multilib, libstdc++.i386, libgcc.i386, glibc-devel.i386, gcc-c++-32bit
    • edite make file and adjust below config:

      cc = add -m32
      CFLAGS = add -m32
      INCPATH = linux-g++-32
      LFLAGS = -m32 -w1, -o1
      LIBS = i386-linux-gnu
    • make softlink of


      to lib .... .so.o then to lib .... .so make clean and compile