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Get list of users belonging to a role using Authorization Manager (AzMan)

Using ASP.NET (C#) I have set up Authorization Manager to allow me to handle roles on a website. Added users to roles is simple Roles.AddUserToRole("DOMAIN\\UserName", "role"). However I want to list the users belonging to a role, but since they are stored as SID's, displaying them would not be that helpful. To get the users, I am thinking XML would have to be used, although is it possible to use COM Interop to both do that and get the user name? Either way, how can I get the users belonging to a role?

The table to manage roles would basically be like this:

Role    User
----    ----
admin   DOMAIN\UserName [delete]
        DOMAIN\UserName2 [delete]
        [add user text box]
news    DOMAIN\UserName3 [delete]
        [add user text box]


  • Found a way of doing it (IAzRole Interface, thanks to Bermo), looping through the MembersName property on each role. No need to map back to a windows account, unless you need to get more than the user name.

    Setup roles as detailed in article: How To: Use Authorization Manager (AzMan) with ASP.NET 2.0

    In Visual Studio Project add reference to AzMan COM library (azroles 1.0 Type Library). Then add using AZROLESLib;. Add <form id="form1" runat="server">, then in Page_Load:

    AzAuthorizationStoreClass AzManStore = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();
    string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AuthorizationServices"].ConnectionString;
    string path = Server.MapPath(connString.Substring("msxml://".Length));
    AzManStore.Initialize(0, "msxml://" + path, null);
    IAzApplication azApp = AzManStore.OpenApplication("AppName", null);
    PlaceHolder p = new PlaceHolder();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (IAzRole role in azApp.Roles)
        foreach (object member in (object[])role.MembersName)
    p.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sb.ToString()));

    This displays a list of roles and members in each role.