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In WebJobs SDK, How to bind additional CloudStorageAccount for Blob output?

WebJobs SDK is doing wonderful job simplifying amount of code one need to write to save blobs to storage, but all within ONE storage account that is the default AzureJobsStorage.

Having everything (Queues,Blobs,Tables, and Heartbeats) in one storage account will throttle that account in medium-load production environment.

Of course, I can write legacy WindowsAzure.Storage code to save blobs to desired storage account, but I will loose the simplicity of the WebJobs SDK.

Appreciate any suggestions or advice.


  • Today, the WebJobs SDK supports only two Storage accounts per host:

    • AzureWebJobsStorage - used for your app's data
    • AzureWebJobsDashboard - used for logging (heartbeats, functions, etc) and dashboard indexing

    The two accounts can be different if you want but that's all the separation you can do for now.

    We have an item on the backlog to support multiple storage accounts for data but there is no ETA for it.