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Azure WebJob Console Application Empty Args when calling from webhook

I'm working on Azure WebJob. I started by creating a console application in Visual Studio and I published the application as a webJob in from VisualStudio.

the WebJob is Triggered Manualy from its Webhook with username and password https://{MyWebAPP}{MyWebJob}/run?arguments=1 2 3 from a second program.

this WebJob is verry simple. It only displays a the arguments 1,2 and 3.

when I run the program from CommandeLine like so dotnet MyProject.dll 1 2 3 it works well. but when I run it from webHook it does not read arguments.

here is my main script :

 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        Console.WriteLine("PARAMS Passed : " + string.Join(",", args));

This is the log in the WebJob when I run from WebHook by Post request : [06/09/2018 15:19:37 > 33a9f2: INFO] PARAMS Passed :

and this is the console when I run it from commande Line : [06/09/2018 15:19:37 > 33a9f2: INFO] PARAMS Passed : 1,2,3

Can some One Help PLEASE. Tha,ks From All.


  • This comes down to a VS publishing bug. The problem is that it auto-generates a run.cmd that has:

    dotnet foo.dll

    When it really should have:

    dotnet foo.dll %*

    So that the arguments get flowed into your console app.

    I'll report the issue, but for now you can work around as follows:

    • Explicitly create a run.cmd at the root of your console app (i.e. next to program.cs). Make it contain the correct line above with %*. And obviously, use your actual dll name instead of foo.dll :)
    • Add it to your project, and set Copy to Output Directory to Copy Always (default is Do not copy).

    That will cause your run.cmd to get deployed, and VS won't auto-generate the faulty one.