i got the following cakephp find situation:
$data = $this->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Roster.league_id' => $league_id,
'Roster.season' => $season,
'fields' => array(
'DISTINCT Roster.player_id',
'order' => array(
'Roster.modified DESC'),
'contain' => array(
'Player' => array(
'Stat' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Stat.season' => $season),
There are more Roster-records with specific player_ids, thats why i try to use DISTINCT. I only need the most recent. Thats why i order the results by player_id and Roster.modified. But die DISTINCT command gets ignored.
id=1 player_id=1 modified=2012
id=2 player_id=1 modified=2013
id=3 player_id=1 modified=2014
id=4 player_id=2 modified=2014
id=5 player_id=2 modified=2013
result should be:
id=3 player_id=1 modified=2014
id=4 player_id=2 modified=2014
I don't see any syntax errors. Maybe there some commands are not possible together or my way of filtering is wrong. would be great if someone can help me.
As AgRizzo suggested i am using a query now.
Its split into 2 Parts. The first gets all entries with the one2one relations:
$this->query("SELECT *
FROM (SELECT * FROM `rosters` AS `Roster1` WHERE " . $conditions . " ORDER BY `Roster1`.`modified` DESC) AS `Roster`
LEFT JOIN `fflteams` AS `Fflteam` ON (`Roster`.`fflteam_id` = `Fflteam`.`id`)
LEFT JOIN `players` AS `Player` ON (`Roster`.`player_id` = `Player`.`id`)
GROUP BY `Player`.`id` ORDER BY `Roster`.`player_id` ASC");
The second part gets all one2many relations with its relation:
$this->Stat->find('all', array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => array(
at the end i merge those 2 arrays