What I am trying to achieve:
I tried many different ways but it only returns undefined. Before I created the factory I performed the $http.get directly in the controller without any issues, but now I am trying to structure the app in a better way.
app.factory("dataFactory", function($http) {
var factory = {};
factory.getSpec = function(specId) {
return $http.get('getSpec.aspx?specId=' + specId)
return factory;
app.controller('EditSpecController', function ($scope, $stateParams, $http, dataFactory) {
$scope.specId = $stateParams.specId;
$scope.formData = [];
if($scope.specId) { //If EDIT MODE
dataFactory.getSpec($scope.specId).then(function(response) {
$scope.formData = response.data;
$scope.use_unit = response.data.use_unit;
As you noticed $http returns promise already, so you should do something more like this
factory.getSpec = function(specId) {
return $http.get('getSpec.aspx' + specId)
and then in controller
dataFactory.getSpec().then(function(response) {
$scope.formData = response.data;