I am building a towers of hanoi game that can be played from the console or the command line. Note this isn't a recursive program; I am trying to build a GAME that can be played by the user. I am using an ArrayList of ArrayLists to store the pegs(1,2,3) and the discs(N) chosen by the user.
My instance variables and constructor:
private ArrayList lists;
private ArrayList peg1 = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList peg2 = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList peg3 = new ArrayList<>();
public TowersOfHanoi() {
ArrayList<Integer>[] lists = new ArrayList[3];
lists[0]= this.peg1;
lists[1]= this.peg2;
lists[2]= this.peg3;
How I initialize the game
public ArrayList initializeGame(int n) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
I am trying to make a move method that will take two INTS as parameters for the from and to posts. I.E. user moves disc from post N to post N, and checks if that move is legal.
I have tried to figure this out for the last couple hours but I can't even figure out how to get the appropriate peg and move the disk from one peg to another let alone check to see that a larger disk isn't being moved on top of a smaller disk. This is the method I came up with and I am getting a null pointer exception which makes me think that lists
is not initialized correctly. This is the method I have which is obviously wrong.
public void move(int moveFrom, int moveTo){
lists.add(0, moveTo);
So can anyone help me understand how to use an int as an index to get the appropriate peg (int is entered by user) and move a disc?
lists is not being initialized because you declare an instance object of type ArrayList
private ArrayList lists;
Which is null. Then, in your constructor, you declare and initialize a local object of type ArrayList[]
- as in an array of ArrayLists
ArrayList<Integer>[] lists = new ArrayList[3];
You then put your pegs into this array of ArrayList
lists[0]= this.peg1;
lists[1]= this.peg2;
lists[2]= this.peg3;
and then you exit the constructor without doing anything with the array. You need to either:
private ArrayList[] lists;
private ArrayList peg1 = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList peg2 = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList peg3 = new ArrayList<>();
public TowersOfHanoi() {
lists = new ArrayList[3];
lists[0]= this.peg1;
lists[1]= this.peg2;
lists[2]= this.peg3;
private ArrayList<ArrayList> lists = new ArrayList<>(3);
private ArrayList peg1 = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList peg2 = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList peg3 = new ArrayList<>();
public TowersOfHanoi() {
OR most likely
private ArrayList[] lists = new ArrayList[3];
private ArrayList peg1 = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList peg2 = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList peg3 = new ArrayList<>();
public TowersOfHanoi() {
lists[0]= this.peg1;
lists[1]= this.peg2;
lists[2]= this.peg3;