I am trying to make a file transfer Bluetooth app work using these sources:
When I attempt to get the InputStream bytes using InputStream.read()
method this way:
public class ConnectedThread extends Thread {
...(some code here)
public void run(){
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int bytes = -1;
//Keep listening to the InputStream while connected
while (true){
try {
bytes = this.mmInStream.read(buffer);
//* this part is not reached
if (bytes==-1){
catch(Exception e){
Log.d("inStream exception:",e.getMessage());
...(some code here)
The next part of the code ("if"
part in this case) is never reached, nor a Log.D
debug output or whatever else I put in following. I just get this message from LogCat:
BluetoothSocket read in: android.net.LocalStocketImpl$SocketInputStream@f7e
b08 len: 1024
To transfer the data from the Client to the Server I am doing this:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
...(some code here)
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
...(some code here)
public void clientConnect(){
Set<BluetoothDevice> devices;
devices = bConfig.getPairedDevices();
if (devices == null){
if (devices.size() > 0) {
BluetoothDevice device = devices.iterator().next();
ConnectThread connectTransmit = new ConnectThread(device,bConfig.getBluetoothAdapter(),BluetoothConfig.mUUID);
Toast.makeText(this, "connected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
socket = connectTransmit.mmSocket;
ConnectedThread connectedThread = new ConnectedThread(socket);
//write file bytes to the connected thread, so the thread can receive its own input written bytes later
File file_to_transfer = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/txtTransfer.txt");
//get bytes from our File
int size = (int) file_to_transfer.length();
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
try {
//14b are read succesfully, the whole text file
BufferedInputStream buf = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file_to_transfer));
}catch (FileNotFoundException e){
}catch (IOException e){
//send the data to the server
...(some code here)
The AcceptThread
(Server part of the implementation) works, because when I run the client part to connect and then transfer the data, while debuging in the device the LogCat on the Server part activates and reaches the run method of the thread, where I call the ConnectedThread
implementation but then after it "apparently" reads the bytes but it gets stuck on LogCat with no error.
Please let me know what can I do to finish reading the bytes to move to the next part of the flow.
Thank you
You're blocked waiting for more input.
The part labelled ... (some code here)
should be inside the read loop, after the test for end of stream. NB If read()
returns -1 it doesn't mean 'no data', it means end of stream, and you should close the socket and break out of the read loop. Otherwise you should then go on to process the data you've just read. At present you just read and ignore all input until end of stream, which is pointless. At best you can only process the last partial buffer, and you won't know how long it was.