C++ 0x has template aliases (sometimes referred to as template typedefs). See here. Current spec of C++ does not.
What do you like to use as work around ? Container objects or Macros ? Do you feel its worth it ?
What do you like to use as work around ? Container objects or Macros ? Do you feel its worth it ?
The canonical way is to use a metafunction like thus:
template <typename T>
struct my_string_map {
typedef std::map<std::string, T> type;
// Invoke:
my_string_map<int>::type my_str_int_map;
This is also used in the STL (allocator::rebind<U>
) and in many libraries including Boost. We use it extensively in a bioinformatical library.
It's bloated, but it's the best alternative 99% of the time. Using macros here is not worth the many downsides.
(EDIT: I've amended the code to reflect Boost/STL conventions as pointed out by Daniel in his comment.)