I'm trying to get the image from this page: http://m.piperlime.gap.com/product.html?dn=pp438556002&dv=1&vid=1&cid=64413&pid=438556002
Right now my code is:
var image = document.querySelectorAll('[data-index="0"]')[0]
Is there a less cumbersome way to go about this? Assume I need to pull the div that includes data-index="0"
EDIT: the HTML I'm trying to get is this:
<div class="gm_product_item" data-index="0" style="width: 450px; left: 0px; transition: 0ms; -webkit-transition: 0ms; -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 0px) translateZ(0px);">
<img class="gm_product_itemimg" alt="Mid Rise 11&#34; Skinny Product Image" src="http://www.gap.com/webcontent/0008/860/774/cn8860774.jpg">
You can target the <img>
(which is inside a <div>
with data-index="0"
) directly in your selector:
var image = document.querySelectorAll('[data-index="0"] img')[0].src