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How to handle activity's title with fragments changing

I have a single Activity app with a lot of fragments. How can I change the ActionBar title from activity, even when i press the back button and I return on the previous fragment? My fragments are being displayed on screen with (It's Scala language)

fragmentManager.beginTransaction.add(, fragment).addToBackStack(FourMeApp.discussion_backStack).commitAllowingStateLoss()

EDIT: I know how to set title on Activity ActionBar, I am asking about HOW to handle the title when user return to the last fragment with back button.


  • You can check this link

    As per it you can addOnBackStackChangedListener in your activity and update your title here.

    for HoneyComb and up i.e. Android 3.x and up

     new FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener() {
       public void onBackStackChanged() {
          // Update your UI here.

    or for Android 3.x and lower

       new FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener() {
         public void onBackStackChanged() {
           // Update your UI here.