I'm wondering how I can compress an inline script with UglifyJS from the command line.
All the examples everywhere show file names, i.e.
uglifyjs somefile.js -o somefile.min.js
What I want to do is:
uglifyjs -option "function hello(){ var world='world'; alert(world) }"
How can I achieve this?
Use what is known as "heredocs" or "herestrings" (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_document). This technique works with just about any program that takes a file as an argument (in this case the shell is piping the string for you onto stdin). Should work on most shells / OSes.
As a herestring:
uglifyjs <<<"function hello(){ var world='world'; alert(world) }"
or, as a heredoc:
uglifyjs <<_END_
function hello() {
var world='world';