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Mockito mock all methods call and return

I have a problem when writing unit testing with mock. There is a object which I need to mock have a lot getter, which I do call them at the code. However, those are not the purpose of my unit test. So, is there is a way I can mock all the methods instead of mock them one by one.

Here is the code example:

public class ObjectNeedToMock{

private String field1;
private String field20;

private int theImportantInt;

public String getField1(){return this.field1;}

public String getField20(){return this.field20;}

public int getTheImportantInt(){return this.theImportantInt;}


and this is the service class I need to test

public class Service{

public void methodNeedToTest(ObjectNeedToMock objectNeedToMock){
    String stringThatIdontCare1 = objectNeedToMock.getField1();
    String stringThatIdontCare20 = objectNeedToMock.getField20();
    // do something with the field1 to field20

    int veryImportantInt = objectNeedToMock.getTheImportantInt();
    // do something with the veryImportantInt


within the test class, the test method is like

public void testMethodNeedToTest() throws Exception {
      ObjectNeedToMock o = mock(ObjectNeedToMock.class);

      when(o.getTheImportantInt()).thenReturn("1"); //This "1" is the only thing I care


So, is there a way that I can avoid writing all the "when" for the useless "field1" to "field20"


  • You can control the default answers of your mock. When you're creating the mock, use:

    Mockito.mock(ObjectNeedToMock.class, new Answer() {
        public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
               Put your default answer logic here.
               It should be based on type of arguments you consume and the type of arguments you return.
            if (String.class.equals(invocation.getMethod().getReturnType())) {
                return "This is my default answer for all methods that returns string";
            } else {
                return RETURNS_DEFAULTS.answer(invocation);