I am using jquery datatables to load a table. To preface this, I need to have prototype loaded for mini-cart application. I am putting my jquery into no-conflict mode with this following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
$j('#warranty_claim').DataTable({"bFilter": true});
I get the following console errors:
(anonymous function) (index):4747
(anonymous function) jquery-1.2.6.min_noConflict.min.js:27
(anonymous function) jquery-1.2.6.min_noConflict.min.js:27
jQuery.extend.each jquery-1.2.6.min_noConflict.min.js:21
jQuery.extend.ready jquery-1.2.6.min_noConflict.min.js:27
However I know my jquery works when I perform this quick test:
<script type="text/javascript">
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
Any help to getting the datatable working would be greatly appreciated.
There is a possibility that the datatables plugin was not written with no-conflict in mind. So if you need to use the plugin you should be able to easily wrap the plugin source code in a closure to fix it.
/* Rest of plugin source here
And actually looking at the datatables source code it looks like you can just modify the outermost closure
near the top of the code
(/** @lends <global> */function( window, document, undefined ) {
(/** @lends <global> */function( window, document, $, undefined ) {
}(window, document));
}(window, document, jQuery));
try that out and see what happens