I was exploring the source code here:
And noticed a record defined like this:
request_time = erlang:localtime() :: calendar:datetime(),
response_time :: undefined | calendar:datetime(),
request_line = "" :: string(),
ip :: inet:ip_address(),
version = 'HTTP/1.1' :: atom(),
method = <<"GET">> :: binary(),
uri = <<"/">> :: binary(),
headers = [] :: [{binary(), iodata()}],
status = 200 :: non_neg_integer(),
content_length = 0 :: non_neg_integer()
I only know of the 'double colon' used in list comprehensions and types. Have never found anything about records. Searching also didn't help. I'm interpreting it as:
'request_time' is 'erlang:local time()' of type 'calendar:date time()'
response_time is of type undefined or calendar:datetime
and so on ...
Is this correct ?
Yes, you are correct. You can include type information in record definitions. This is one of the coolest aspect of records, actually, and one I see rarely used.
The part of the docs you are looking for is a bit difficult to find, but it is documented: