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Not able to update parent for all PortfolioItem/Feature which I copied for particular PortfolioItem/MMF

I am trying to set parent for features which I copied for particular MMF, but parent is getting set for only last feature.

Below line of code to set the parent Record is new feature object _newParent is the MMF object, where I am doing wrong

record.set("Parent", _newParent.get("_ref")),

Need help please.Any suggestions?

Whole is method is this

           _genericInnerCopy: function(_childObj) {
                that = this;
                model = that.model;
                var record = Ext.create(model, {
                    Name: _childObj.get('Name'),
                    //Parent: _newParent.get("_ref");,
                    callback: function(result, operation) {
                        if(operation.wasSuccessful()) {
                        } else {
                console.log("all pis values", that._all_pis);
                var store = Ext.create('', {
                    data: that._all_pis,
                    listeners: {
                        load: that._updateAll,
                        scope: that
                //console.log("record values", that._all_pis);
            _updateAll: function(store,data) {
                console.log("store values", store);
                console.log("data values", data);
                    records: data,
                    propertiesToUpdate: {
                        Parent: _newParent.get("_ref")
                    success: function(readOnlyRecords){
                        //all updates finished, except for given read only records
                    scope: that


  • The problem in your original question was that your code wasnt spitting out the errors in the callback. To see the errors you can console.log(operation.getError()) or console.log(operation) and inspect the output.