I'm looking, out of convienience, for a way to be notified automaticaly upon opening eclipse workspace with some source controled projects about changes that were made if any.
The way I visualize it is: 1) I open Eclipse selecting workspace A 2) During boot-up work in eclipse for workspace A, it would find all repositories which have projects imported to this workspace A 3) The fetching/synchronizing work will be launched. 4) Upon finishing synching/fetching one of the Repo's, it will visualize the state of the project by the up/down arrows that are typical for displaying how far is the current branch from the remote.
Is there any option/3rd party plugin that can achieve what I described above, or something as close to that as possible?
Currently, I have to manualy either fetch all projects under source control when I open Eclipse (with some particular workspace) or use Team->Synchronize workspace option. But: a) It is not convienient if I have to do it every day, and with every workspace I open. b) The projects that are in some of the workspaces are not all under source control, so I can't just select all projects and hit Team->Synchronize. I have to select only projects that are under version control.
There is no Eclipse plugin that I know of which would:
I have only seen it with Tower 2 (but it is a Mac client)
The Windows/Mac git client SourceTree does have automatic fetch.
In any case, that would involve a third-party client, which is not convenient, but can be tried as a workaround.