How can I get the title of an item from a modified version of the feedback page just like in the "Recommend this item" in jspui? I'm hoping also to generate the resulting url of the page to be like I've asked this from a comment in my previous post but I don't know how to use the HandleManager. I've tried many times using part of the code from itemRequestForm but I always get null pointer error.
DSpaceObject dso = HandleUtil.obtainHandle(objectModel);
if (!(dso instanceof Item)) {
Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
boolean firstVisit=Boolean.valueOf(request.getParameter("firstVisit"));
Item item = (Item) dso;
I also tried to looked in /ViewArtifacts/sitemap.xmap but right now it is beyond me to figure out what I am missing.
You can get the complete patch of DS-2099 at:
(TIP: you can add ".patch" to a commit at github to view the patch)
I Think its too long to post here.
Check SolicitarCorreccionForm to show the title and what you want using my other response to get the data from the handle and instead:
you should do:
String handle=parameters.getParameter("handle","unknown");
// context=new Context(); // Context exist in a form:
DSpaceOBject dso = HandleManager.resolveToObject(context,handle);
if (dso instanceof Item){
Item item=((Item)dso);
DCValue[] titles= item.getMetadata("dc", "contributor", "author",null);
feedback.addPara(titles[0].value); // check for nulls or multiple values;
to send the title to the mail class you should do:
And at aspects/ViewArtifacts/sitemap.xmap you should set the parameter:
<map:transform type="SolicitarCorreccionForm">
<map:parameter name="title" value="{title}" />
Get at SendSolicitarCorreccionAction and send to email, to add the parameters to the mail like:
String title= request.getParameter("title");
email.addArgument(title); // Titulo
You whould like to change the url from
<map:match pattern="solicitarCorreccion/**">
to what wou want.
P.D.- I forget to mention to add imports of SolicitarCorreccionForm:
import org.dspace.content.DCValue;
import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject;
import org.dspace.content.Item;
import org.dspace.handle.HandleManager;
I hope this help.