In Varnish (3.0), urls are treated in a case sensitive way. By that I mean
is treated differently from
. On my web server they're treated as the same url. What I'd like to do is have varnish lowercase all request urls as they come in.
I managed to find this discussion but the creator of Varnish indicates that I will have to use inline C to do it. I could achieve this in a simplistic way using multiple regexes but that just seems like it's bound to fail.
Ideally, what I'd like is a VCL configuration to do this (an example of this can be found here) but I'd settle for a C function that takes in a const char *
and returns const char *
(I'm not a C programmer so forgive me if I get the syntax wrong).
It must be mentioned that Varnish includes the ability to uppercase and lowercase strings in the std vmod ( )
This is much cleaner than the embedded C route (which is disabled by default in Varnish 4). Here's an example I use to normalize the request Host and url;
import std;
sub vcl_recv {
# normalize Host header
set req.http.Host = std.tolower(regsub(req.http.Host, ":[0-9]+", ""));
sub vcl_hash {
# set cache key to lowercased req.url