I have a table with tr s where few of them have attribute active and few of them have attribute inactive. I am trying to group them. How can I add a div wrapper around tr s with inactive attribute items.
Current Code:
<div class="alertsList">
<table width="100%">
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
Required: I am trying to achieve the below
<div class="alertsList">
<table width="100%">
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
**<div class="inAct">**
<tr class="alertRow" state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
Because the only valid parent elements of a <tr>
element are <table>
, <tbody>
, <thead>
and <tfoot>
(not <div>
), and the only valid child elements of those elements are <tr>
elements (again not a <div>
), I'd suggest not using a <div>
That said, a <table>
can contain multiple <tbody>
elements, so I'd suggest using one of those instead:
// get the <tr> elements with the class of 'alertRow' and
// the 'state' equal to 'InActive':
// wrap all those elements (together) in one <tbody>
// element, created here:
.wrapAll('<tbody class="InAct"></tbody>')
// wrapAll() returns the wrapped elements, we want the
// created-element, so we use parent():
// we append that parent (along with its contained descendants)
// to the existing table:
.appendTo('div.alertsList table');
.wrapAll('<tbody class="InAct"></tbody>')
.appendTo('div.alertsList table');
.InAct tr {
color: #f00;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="alertsList">
<table width="100%">
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
<tr class="alertRow" state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
Note that, while custom elements work, they are not valid (outside of HTML5), and in HTML5 they are data-
prefixed, to give the (valid) custom attribute of data-state
<div class="alertsList">
<table width="100%">
<tr class="alertRow" data-state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" data-state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
<!-- and so forth... -->
With that amendment made, the above jQuery still pretty much works as-is, albeit the attribute-selector has to be modified to match the new custom attribute, giving:
.wrapAll('<tbody class="InAct"></tbody>')
.appendTo('div.alertsList table');
.wrapAll('<tbody class="InAct"></tbody>')
.appendTo('div.alertsList table');
.InAct tr {
color: #f00;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="alertsList">
<table width="100%">
<tr class="alertRow" data-state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" data-state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>
<tr class="alertRow" data-state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
<tr class="alertRow" data-state="InActive">
<td class="InActive">InActive</td>
<tr class="alertRow" data-state="Active">
<td class="Active">Active</td>