Does docx4j conversion to html support converting w:numPr elements to an html list?
Attempting to have roundtrip html->docx->html. Experiencing a problem on the return from docx->html - the w:numPr become p and not converted back to the original ul.
For testing, I created a new docx, added a bullet list and converted it to html
Docx4J.toHTML(htmlSettings, os, Docx4J.FLAG_EXPORT_PREFER_XSL);
Creates p elements rather than ul. Does docx4j support creation of from w:numPr rather than p? If so, how?
As you have observed, docx4j doesn't current convert numbered paragraphs into HTML list items.
It would be fairly straightforward to do that, but a bit more effort to wrap the list items in appropriate ol or ul elements.
This commit adds ol or ul elements and list items, provided you set:
SdtWriter.registerTagHandler("HTML_ELEMENT", new SdtToListSdtTagHandler());
and are using XSL for the output method.