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Adding mp3s into zip using jszip

everyone. Trying to unsuccesfully add mp3s into my zip file using the wonderful JSZIP lib. Right now, it only created the zip file with the correct file name, but the mp3 is always blank.

This is the code I have so far:

var zip = new JSZip();

//add an mp3 titled "any other way" and decode binary to base64
zip.file("any other way.mp3", btoa("absolutepath/to/my/file/any_other_way.mp3"), {base64: true});

//generate zip
var content = zip.generate();

//download zip


  • So, I ended up including another js file with the JSZIP utils in my project and called the following method and it downloaded fine on Chrome. However, if you want to make it work on IE and safari you will have to implement Downloadify (

      // loading a file and add it in a zip file
      JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent("path/to/audio.mp3", function (err, data) {
          if(err) {
          throw err; // or handle the error
          var zip = new JSZip();
          zip.file("audio.mp3", data, {binary:true});

    Also, here is a link to the issue: