Is it possible to store some information on iOS that will not be deleted when the app is deleted (like Keychain) and also cannot be restored to another device?
As i understand - Key Chain will be restored to another device if you select an encrypted backup option. Does iOS keychain storage persist when restoring an app to a new device?
So is it somehow possible to preserve some data - after the app is deleted (to read it after the reinstall) and for it only be avalible on the device it was added / created.
There are these options:
From the docs:
[...] Items with this attribute do not migrate to a new device. [...]
I think they are exactly what you need. They are explained well in this WWDC talk:
Example usage from the above talk:
SecAccessControlRef sacObject =
kSecAccessControlUserPresence, &error);
NSData* secret = [@"top secret" dataWithEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary *query = @{
(id)kSecClass: (id)kSecClassGenericPassword,
(id)kSecAttrService: @"myservice",
(id)kSecAttrAccount: @"account name here",
(id)kSecValueData: secret};
OSStatus status = SecItemAdd((CFDictionaryRef)query, nil);