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html2canvas doesn't get image full height

For some reason that I can't understand, the html2canvas is not capturing the whole height of the div.

html2canvas($container, {
    height: $container.height(),
    onrendered: function(canvas) {

        var data = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');           
        var file = dataURLtoBlob(data);

        var formObjects = new FormData();
        formObjects.append('file', file);

           url: 'ajax_preview',
           type: 'POST',
           data: formObjects,
           processData: false,
           contentType: false,
            //, '_blank');  

I have also tried to set up the Height manually height: $container.height() but unfortunately the image keeps getting cut off. I also tried to set the height 1124, but the result is the same.

It's hard to see, but in the image below you see a white portion of the image without any border. Everything I have in that portion is not shown.

enter image description here

Any ideas of what could cause this behavior?


  • Solved.

    My code is actually right, the problem was on a CSS file that I use. To avoid this I've deleted and call again the file while converting the div into an image.

    // $= means that ends with
    html2canvas($container, {
        onrendered: function(canvas) {
            var data = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');           
            var file = dataURLtoBlob(data);
            // etc
            $('head').append("<link href='" + base_url + "public/css/my.css' rel='stylesheet'/>");