I'm using IBM RAD 9.0. When I enter Refactoring dialog on the field name (2x alt+ctrl+R) I see the options to rename getters and setters disabled.
I can't find any setting that would disable that options. I've used refactoring of field names a lot in normal Eclipse, being forced to refactor the field name 3 times (for field, for setter and for getter) is a big time loss.
What can cause disabling/enabling that refactoring options in rename field dialog?
I'm not sure I'm following your scenario, but this is what I do
Keep in mind that if you don't have the getter and setter already in the file, or the getter and setter name doesn't match the convention, the Rename options will be disabled. In this case use Generate getter and Setter dialogue
Hope this helps, if no, please add more details to the problem