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Plone: processForm() deletes my Archetype field

I've written a product that uses an ATFolderSchema. The schema contains a costum archetypes field.

I implemented an edit form using content_edit. It works fine, but if i call content_edit, the content of my costum archetypes field is deleted. I could figure out that the function call new_context.processForm() in Archetypes/skins/archetypes/ causes this problem. Unfortunately I can't find any information about processForm() in the internet.

I use Plone 4.1.6 and Archetypes 1.7.14.

Could you help me?


  • The processForm method is defined on Archetypes BaseObject It basically handles the event triggering + creationFlag.

    Th code you mentioned is in _processForm called by processForm

    You can place a debugger for example on line 600

    your field has to be in fields and the data in form.

    My best guess so far is, since you have your own content_edit, that you have a naming issue.

    You can test this by temporary disable (remove) your custom content_edit and check if your data is stored on the object.