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list the fields of a dexterity object

I'd like to list all the fields (and the values) of a dexterity object.

I can easily access a single field value like this myobject.myfield

But I don't know how to list all the available fields of an object.


  • Dexterity objects are defined by a schema, which is enumerable:

    from zope.interface.interfaces import IMethod
    for name, desc in IYourDexteritySchema.namesAndDescriptions():
        value = getattr(yourDexterityInstance, name)
        if IMethod.providedBy(desc):
            # It's a method, call it
            value = value()

    Here I use the .namesAndDescriptions() method, but you can also just use the interface as an iterator if you don't have any methods on your schema:

    for name in IYourDexteritySchema:
        value = getattr(yourDexterityInstance, name)

    Last but not least, zope.schema has a utility method named getFieldsInOrder that will filter on zope.schema fields in an interface; the above methods also list methods and non-schema attributes, getFieldsInOrder only lists zope.schema specific attribute types:

    from zope.schema import getFieldsInOrder
    for name, field in getFieldsInOrder(IYourDexteritySchema):
        value = getattr(yourDexterityInstance, name)

    If you defined the schema through-the-web, you may not know how to look up the interface for your type. You can also retrieve the schema interface through the Factory Type Information, or FTI for short:

    from plone.dexterity.interfaces import IDexterityFTI
    from zope.component import getUtility
    schema = getUtility(IDexterityFTI, name='your.dexterity.type').lookupSchema()

    where schema now holds your interface.