I have just started learning hadoop,and running hadoop map-reduce program with custom partitioner and comparator.The problem i am facing is that the primary and secondary sort are not getting done on composite key, more-over the part of one composite-key is getting changed with other compsite-key part.
for example i am creating the following keys inside mapper
key1 -> tagA,1
key2 -> tagA,1
key3 -> tagA,1
key4 -> tagA,1
key5 -> tagA,2
key6 -> tagA,2
key7 -> tagB,1
key8 -> tagB,1
key9 -> tagB,1
key10 -> tagB,1
key11 -> tagB,2
key12 -> tagB,2
and partitioner and combiner are as follows
public static class TaggedJoiningPartitioner implements Partitioner<Text, Text> {
public int getPartition(Text key, Text value, int numPartitions) {
String line = key.toString();
String tokens[] = line.split(",");
return (tokens[0].hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE)% numPartitions;
public void configure(JobConf arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub //NOT OVERRIDING THIS METHOD
public static class TaggedJoiningGroupingComparator extends WritableComparator {
public TaggedJoiningGroupingComparator() {
super(Text.class, true);
public int compare(WritableComparable a, WritableComparable b) {
String taggedKey1[] = ((Text)a).toString().split(",");
String taggedKey2[] = ((Text)b).toString().split(",");
return taggedKey1[0].compareTo(taggedKey2[0]);
in reducer these key are grouped properly according to tags but not sorted properly. The order and content of keys in reducers is as follows:
key1 -> tagA,1
key2 -> tagA,1
key3 -> tagA,1
key5 -> tagA,1 //2 changed by 1 here
key6 -> tagA,1 //2 changed by 1 here
key4 -> tagA,1
key7 -> tagB,1
key11 -> tagB,1 //2 changed by 1 here
key12 -> tagB,1 //2 changed by 1 here
key8 -> tagB,1
key9 -> tagB,1
key10 -> tagB,1
trying for long-time to resolve it but not succeded yet, Any help appreciated ?
Finally got it working, actually i changed
Also From hadoop API docs. --
setOutputValueGroupingComparator(Class<? extends RawComparator> theClass)
Set the user defined RawComparator comparator for grouping keys in the input to the reduce.