I have dynamic html that i make in a directive, and it includes an input element with validation. Example HTML produced with error message:
<input id="bob" class="personCheckbox" name="bob"
type="checkbox" value="bob"
<span style="color:red" ng-show="myForm.bob.$error.summary">Need Summary</span>
<input type="text" name="summary-bob" id="summary-bob"/>
The tag in the page for the directive that makes the HTML:
<div name-check></div>
The directive that makes the dynamic HTML, i have a watch b/c 'people' is from a promise:
app.directive('nameCheck', function($compile){
return {
replace : true,
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.$watch('people', function(newValue, oldValue) {
var personNames= [];
for(var i=0; i< newValue.length; i++){
if(personNames.length > 0) {
replaceElement($scope, $element, $compile, personNames.sort());
The replaceElement function:
function replaceElement($scope, $element, $compile, peopleNames){
var html= "\<div class='row'>"
+ "\<div class='small-12 columns'>"
+ "\<label>People</label>";
for(var i=0; i < peopleNames.length; i++){
html += "\<div>";
html += "<input id='" + peopleNames[i] + "' ";
html += " class='drugCheckbox' name='" + peopleNames[i] + "' ";
html += " type='checkbox' value='" + peopleNames[i] + "' ";
html += " ng-model='" + peopleNames[i] + "' ";
html += " validate-foo/>";
html += peopleNames[i];
html += "<span style='color:red' ";
html += " ng-show='myForm." + peopleNames[i]
html += ".\$error.summary'>Need Summary</span>";
html += "<input type='text' ";
html += " name='summary-" + peopleNames[i] +"' ";
html += " id='summary-" + peopleNames[i] + "' ";
html += "\</div>";
html += "\</div></div>";
var DOM = angular.element(html);
var $e =$compile(DOM)($scope);
The directive that does the validation:
app.directive('validateFoo', function(){
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {
ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function (viewValue) {
var id= attr.id;
if(viewValue) {
var val= document.getElementById('summary-' + id).value;
if(val.length == 0) {
ctrl.$setValidity("summary", false);
else {
ctrl.$setValidity("summary", true);
return viewValue;
The dynamic HTML produced shows on the page like it should, but the validation does not work. When I hard code some example HTML, and use the validator, it works fine. I cannot figure out why validation does not work (the error message will not show) when I have the HTML produced from a directive?
I had the similar issue the other day, and found solution here:
The trick is to firstly append newly created HTML snippet to DOM, and then compile. This way it will be propagated to parent FORM. Example:
directive = '<div>'+directive+'</div>';
// Do Not compile the element NOT beeing part of the DOM
// Firstly include in the DOM, then compile
var result = $(directive).appendTo(element);