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Can't get any results from this SPARQL query

I've asked a question before here

Generate an incremental SPARQL query

and thank god I manage to solve it.

Here is my solution:

private String completeQuery(String coreQuery){
    String completeQuery = "";
    completeQuery += "SELECT * WHERE {"+ "\n";
    completeQuery += coreQuery + "\n";
    completeQuery =completeQuery + "}" + "\n" +"limit 5" ;
    return completeQuery;

public String link(String object1, String object2, int distance){
    if(distance == 1){
        String Quer = "<"+object1+">" + " ?pre1 " +"<"+object2+">";
        return completeQuery(Quer);
    else {
        String query = "<"+object1+">" + " ?pre1 ?obj1 " + ".\n";
        for(int i = 1; i < distance-1; i++){
            query += "?obj" + i + " ?pre" + (i+1) + " ?obj" + (i+1) + ".\n" ;

        query  += "?obj" + (distance-1) + " ?pre" + distance + " " + "<"+object2+">";
        return completeQuery(query);

and from the main I just try to print the query string to figure out if it is right or not:

String queryString = "";

    int maxDistance =2;
    PathFinder pf = new PathFinder();

    for (int distance = 1; distance<=maxDistance ; distance ++)
        System.out.println("\nQueries for distance: "+distance);
        queryString ="Lionel_Messi","Spanish_language",distance);

and the result is good so far

Queries for distance1: SELECT * WHERE {<> ?pre1 <>}limit 5

Queries for distance2: SELECT * WHERE { <> ?pre1 ?obj1 . ?obj1 ?pre2 <> }limit 5

now, I'm trying to execute these queries but I don't know how to do it if it was a simple query , something like (select ?abstract where ...) the execution will be for example:

QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(service, query);

                ResultSet results = qe.execSelect();
                for (; results.hasNext();){
                    QuerySolution sol = (QuerySolution);

but if the query is like (select * where) how can I get the results without knowing the specific elements I want to print? it's all depend on my distance and what queries it will return ....


  • This is not something you can solve just by means of SPARQL alone - you will need to use the capabilities of the API toolkit you're using to handle queries and results. Since you are using Jena, you should have a look at the documentation for Jena's ResultSet object. It has a method getResultVars() which gives you a list with all variable names in the result. You can then use this to iterate over the result and get the variable-bindings in each solution, e.g. to simply print them:

     List<String> varNames = results.getResultVars();
     while(results.hasNext()) {
           QuerySolution sol = (QuerySolution);
           for (String var: varNames) {
                  System.out.println("value of " + var + ": " + sol.get(var));