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Main method with different data type

Can I have Main with some different type argument like object type or anything else. Like in this case I want this

  static void Main(Mtb.Application app)

But it is giving me error

Error 1 Program 'C:\Users\abc\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\testmin\testmin\obj\x86\Debug\Abc.exe' does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point Abc

So, I want to ask, cant I use differnt type in main method other than string.



  • So, I want to ask, cant I use differnt type in main method other than string.

    No, you can't. The arguments to the Main method are the ones passed on the command line, so it can only be an array of strings. How would you pass a Mtb.Application on the command line anyway?