I have developed a Javafx application under IntelliJ IDEA. As a JavaFX project, I am given the option to build a native bundle alongside the .jar and .jnlp file. I choose to export a .deb native. I build and export the project on IntelliJ running on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. The .deb file is created. However, when I use Ubuntu Software Center to install the program, it prompts me with "The package is of bad quality"
This is the full error (save some repetitive lines):
Lintian check results for /home/guyfleeman/Dropbox/PROGRAMMING/Java/VaSOLSim/out/artifacts/VSS_TeacherClient/bundles/VSS-TeacherClient-1.0.deb:
E: VSS-TeacherClient: control-file-has-bad-permissions postinst 0775 != 0755
E: VSS-TeacherClient: control-file-has-bad-owner postinst guyfleeman/guyfleeman != root/root
E: VSS-TeacherClient: control-file-has-bad-permissions postrm 0775 != 0755
E: VSS-TeacherClient: control-file-has-bad-owner postrm guyfleeman/guyfleeman != root/root
E: VSS-TeacherClient: bad-package-name
E: VSS-TeacherClient: package-not-lowercase
E: VSS-TeacherClient: maintainer-address-missing Freeware - William Stuckey
E: VSS-TeacherClient: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid opt/ 1000/1000
E: VSS-TeacherClient: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid opt/VSS-TeacherClient/ 1000/1000
E: VSS-TeacherClient: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid opt/VSS-TeacherClient/VSS-TeacherClient 1000/1000
E: VSS-TeacherClient: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid opt/VSS-TeacherClient/VSS-TeacherClient.desktop 1000/1000
E: VSS-TeacherClient: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid opt/VSS-TeacherClient/VSS-TeacherClient.png 1000/1000
E: VSS-TeacherClient: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid opt/VSS-TeacherClient/app/ 1000/1000
E: VSS-TeacherClient: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid opt/VSS-TeacherClient/app/VSS-TeacherClient.jar 1000/1000
I have the choice to ignore these errors and install anyway. If I ignore the error, the program installs and runs fine.
Does anyone know how to properly export the .deb file under IntelliJ? Also, I figured this question would be more at home here rather than at superuser, but I'll move it upon request.
Thanks ahead of time.
There was an issue in Java 7 when packaging Debian packages, which would lead to the "The package is of bad quality" warning.
(account needed to view the bug tracker info, but anybody can sign up for an account).
The issue was fixed for Java 8.