Search code examples

MongoError: $each term takes only $slice (and optionally $sort) as complements

I am making a radio automation app that stores it's playlists in a mongoDB. Each document in the playlists collection looks something like this:

  'name': 'My cool playlist',
  'items': [
    {'fileID': 'Cr4tT47K4EfJGQzfg'},
    {'fileID': 'Cr4tT49K4EfJGxffg'},
    {'fileID': 'Cr4tT49KH7EfJGQzfg'},
    {'fileID': '45otT49K4EfJGQzfg'},
    {'fileID': 'Dr4tT49K4EfJGQzfg'},

I'm trying to use this query to insert an array of elements at a certain position:

$push: {'items': { $each: insertArray, $position: insertPos}}

(insertArray is the array of elements to insert. insertPos is the variable containing the position at which I want the array to be inserted.)

MongoDB gives me this error: MongoError: $each term takes only $slice (and optionally $sort) as complements

I'm using mongoDB version 2.4.9 from Meteor In other words, I'm actually querying minimongo which emulates mongoDB.


  • Your query won't work with MongoDB 2.4.9 because the $position operator was added in 2.6.