I need to prepare a body text in JSTL/OGNL. Something like this:
First Name: <customer.fn>
Last Name: <customer.ln>
and use this in the mailto link. Customer comes from the ActionContext
I tried the following:
<s:set var="bodyText" value="First Name: ${customer.fn}\n Last Name: ${customer.ln}....">
and I tried to print it like this, to see if its working.
<s:property value="#bodyText" />
But this does not seem to work.
Once I get the value, I need to use it in Mailto link like:
"mailto:xyz@abc.com?body=<s:property value="#bodyText">"
You can't use JSP EL in struts tag attribute, but you can use it in the tag body
<s:set var="bodyText">First Name: ${customer.fn}<br/> Last Name: ${customer.ln}</s:set>