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LDAP Bind Error using node.js and ldapjs

I am trying to implement a basic ldap bind with the following node.js file. Unfortunately, I keep getting a bind error with code 128. I looked online and found no references of code 128. The LDAP server I am trying to search is an eDirectory. Does anyone have any experience with this or have you had similar problems? My node version is v0.10.22 and my ldapjs version is v0.7.1

var ldap = require('ldapjs');

var creds = {
  url: "ldaps://",
  bindDN: "cn=ldap,o=com"

var opts = {
  filter: "(cn=username)",
  scope: "sub"

function authDN(client, dn, password, cb) {
  client.bind(dn, password, function (err) {
    cb(err === null, err);

function output(res, err) {
  if (res) {
  } else {
    console.log(['Error',err.code, err.dn, err.message ]);

var client = ldap.createClient(creds);

authDN(client, '(cn=username)', 'password', output);


  • This authenticates when i added the following to the top of my file:

    process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = "0";

    I haven't researched enough to know why this works but I found this answer here: