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should a high performance trading engine save to DB synchronously?

For a high performance trading engine, it matches/handles one order at a time, should it save the order and other critical info to DB before it moves on to the next one?

or can I use a separate thread to save to DB asynchronously?

if asynchronously, I can use zeromq to send a msg containing the critical info to DB server, however, if this crashes, order info are lost.

instead if I use a rabbitmq, which persist message to disk, is it safe enough?


  • Your question opens a whole Pandorra Box full of very important issues and questions.

    ZeroMQ is used in this industry right because it is a smart, devillish fast & has both a minimalistic foot-print & low overheads, nevertheless the solution you ask about is not based on a single layer of technology or on a trivial Yes/No answer.

    Whatever promises the IT industry gives -- be it for SSD, advanced SSD, 3D-SSD and similar innovations, the core responsibility is on your end-to-end system architecture feasibility, not on a technology element. Suppose any element may and will fail. There is no "Ehm, Houston, we have a problem" call in the Markets, the less in HFT.

    Next steps

    1. Be exact - state quantitative and measurable requirements
    2. Design against requirements ( not opinions, whatever marketing visibility these may have )
    3. Test both against peak and sustained performance thresholds
    4. Do not compromise in Business Disaster Recovery Measures testing ( chained worst-case-s + lottery of surprises )
    5. Be methodical and persistent, compromises are rather expensive ( if not fatal )

    If you take just the last 4 decades of the use of the high performance computation in the Finance Markets, there have been met the principal cornerstones for achieving both the high-performance & fault-resillience. Along this path, there were seen also mis-concepts and devastating effects of poor design and lack of error-isolation practices -- just take the Knights HFT crash ( well, rather hours of HFT still-injecting faulty XTO-instructions ) to have a view of the $ize$ an "impact crater" in thi$ indu$try may have, if the cra$h happen$ to materiali$e.

    High performance trading engine

    Let's assume you state for your system both the scope and performance envelopes:

    Forex Majors instruments   { EURUSD, GBPUSD, <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Forex Exotic instruments   { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Precious Metals            { XAUUSD, XAGUSD, <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Commodities                { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    US-stocks                  { AAPL, GOOG, XOM, <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Euro-stocks                { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    *-stocks                   { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    US-indices                 { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Euro-indices               { FTSE, CAC, DAX, AMS, <list-all-that-applicable> }
    *-indices                  { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Futures                    { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Options                    { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Binary Options             { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Options on Futures         { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    Options on Indices         { <list-all-that-applicable> }
    BT*-based instruments      { <list-all-that-applicable> }

    In a similar structure, state for design evaluations the real-time operations performance constraints, with both sustained & peak values in [msec]

    System requirement for a number of Market Events per msec per segment
    System requirement for a number of PriceFeed Quotes per msec per segment
    System requirement for a number of OrderProcessing Events per msec per segment

    This gives you the first, elementary, metrics for constraining your system Real-Time-Operations design. I.e. what overhead / latency limits you have to design against, and thus what tools and what measures you have time in [usec]-s to incorporate in any stage of the pipeline so as to still guarantee the system real-time stability and robustness thresholds.

    Order matching/handling one at a time?

    This is not a question. This is a given externality.

    [Order] matching is typically given by the Market Regulatory Body ( if not designing for a Dark Pool & other non-public quasi-market(s) ) so as to meet a Fair Market principle. Order handling is sub-ordinated to your regulatory & audit-supervision duties. Both of these are not a field for a free will of the system design.

    Should it save?

    The [Order] and other critical info to DB before it moves on to the next one or can I use a separate thread to save to DB asynchronously? .. is answered more by the system requirements from audit/supervisory bodies than from the opinion of the technical committee.

    If this crashes?

    If your system architecture design permits, it can crash. Then you need measures for post-crash re-instating

    If your system architecture design requires to develop system that does not crash, this will become an empty issue. Application online-mirroring + hot-standby shading with N+1, (N+1)+1 or (N+M)+1 redundancy models are achievable, so that individual crashes are properly isolated.

    Is it safe enough?

    Depends on your Business Disaster Recovery Planning & Business Continuity Measures. Testing is inevitable.

    Remember the famous Nobelist Dick Feynman's finger pointing into the middle of the Nuke Plant blueprints ...