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Prototype callback functions swallowing exceptions

Using Prototype version

I have a common problem where exceptions are being swallowed when they are thrown in a callback function, typically when I am trying to handle the response to an Ajax.Request call. Here is a simple example:

HTML markup:

<input type="button" id="myButton" value="Press Me" />


MYSITE = {};

document.observe("dom:loaded", function () {

    // Set up our helper object
    MYSITE.pageHelper = new MYSITE.PageHelper();


MYSITE.PageHelper = function() {

    console.log("PageHelper called.");

    $("myButton").observe("click", this.makeCall.bindAsEventListener(this));


MYSITE.PageHelper.prototype.makeCall = function() {

    console.log("Make call.");

    new Ajax.Request(
                method: 'get', 
                parameters: "", 
                onComplete: this.handleCallback.bindAsEventListener(this)



MYSITE.PageHelper.prototype.handleCallback = function(resp) {

    console.log("Start callback processing...");

    var x = missingVar + "text"; // This line generates an exception...

    console.log("Finished callback processing.");

OK, so the issue is that if you run this code in Firefox with Firebug no exception will be output for the offending line - it's swallowed. Gulp. The only way I know to catch these (say if I'm debugging) is to wrap the contents of the callback function in a try/catch. For example:

MYSITE.PageHelper.prototype.handleCallback = function(resp) {

    try {

        console.log("Start callback processing...");

        var x = missingVar + "text"; // This line generates an exception...

        console.log("Finished callback processing.");

    } catch (e) {

Has anyone else ever come across this issue? Any work-arounds out there?

Thanks in advance!


  • As of today, this is known behaviour:

    There is a ticket in for an enhancement to deal with these swallowed exceptions here:

    One work-around suggested is to add the following code (thanks Glenn Maynard!):

            onException: function(request, exception) { 
                    (function() { throw exception; }).defer(); 

    Hope that helps others with the same issue until a more permanent solution is implemented.