I recently started working at a place that uses Java configuration for Spring as opposed to XML and so far I'm loving it.
My question is the following:
If we have a @Configuration
annotated class A that imports another @Configuration
annotated class B, what is the proper, type-safe way for a bean defined in A to depend on a bean defined in B.
Here's an example I saw in a blog (https://blog.codecentric.de/en/2012/07/spring-dependency-injection-styles-why-i-love-java-based-configuration/):
public class PartnerConfig {
public PartnerService partnerService() {
return new PartnerServiceImpl();
public class CashingConfig {
private PartnerConfig partnerConfig;
public CashingService cashingService() {
return new CashingServiceImpl(partnerConfig.partnerService());
As a second part to my question, if I was to do the above, would Spring interpret as a bean dependency? That is, when I do
in the example above, am I getting Spring to fetch me the partnerService
bean, or am I just calling a regular java method and creating a new instance of the PartherService
(which is NOT what I want, since the bean should be a singleton) ?
EDIT: It has been suggested to use a @Qualifier. Would this work?
public class PartnerConfig {
public PartnerService partnerService() {
return new PartnerServiceImpl();
public class CashingConfig {
public CashingService cashingService(@MyCustomQualifier PartnerService partnerService) {
return new CashingServiceImpl(partnerService);
I recommend giving the docs a read: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/context/annotation/Bean.html
Refer to the section:
@Bean Methods in @Configuration Classes
This sums it up very well.
Typically, @Bean methods are declared within @Configuration classes. In this case, bean methods may reference other @Bean methods in the same class by calling them directly. This ensures that references between beans are strongly typed and navigable.
Also take a look at: http://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/context/annotation/Configuration.html
Composing @Configuration classes