I want to add to JSONStore by using a for cycle
so i call the saveToJSON() function inside the for with a length more than 500, but it doesnt add, and in console it shows succes but when i look in the jsonstore theres nothing,and number of the cycle for times that i called to add to jsonstore is in a red bubble in console.
function saveToJSON(object) {
var data ={
title : object.title,
subtitle: object.subtitle,
var options = {}; //default
WL.JSONStore.get('MyDataCollection').add(data, options)
.then(function () {
//handle success
console.log("add JSONStore success");
.fail(function (errorObject) {
//handle failure
console.log("add JSONStore failure");
Try creating an array with the data you want to add and then passing that to JSONStore's add API. Remember to make sure that WL.JSONStore.init
has finished successfully before calling the add API.
Example pseudocode:
//This is the data you want to add, you probably get this from a network call
var someData = [{title: 'hello'}, {title: 'world'}];
//This is an array that you will pass to JSONStore's add API
var someArray = [];
//Populate the array with data you want to pass to JSONStore's add API
for (var i = 0; i < someData.length; i++) {
//Add data inside someArray to the collection called: MyDataCollection
.then(function () {
//Do a find all operation on the collection called: MyDataCollection
return WL.JSONStore.get('MyDataCollection').findAll();
.then(function (res) {
//Print all the data inside the collection called: MyDataCollection
//You may want to add .fail(function(){...}) to handle errors.