I'm looking for a slider/carousel which uses PrototypeJs / script.aculo.us
I've found this:
But I'm looking for functionality which has the ability to display multiple "slides" at once, i.e. more of a carousel effect.
I'd also like the ability to define how many slides are skipped by pressing next.
Please do not recommend: https://code.google.com/p/prototype-carousel/
That code is not fully functional and has been split into multiple branches on github, none of which can functionally skip more than a single slide at a time, or follow proper continuous or "circular" movement, i.e. slide 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc.
Appreciate it.
I ported the Bootstrap (2.3.2) components to PrototypeJS/Script.aculo.us, which does a very nice carousel
repo https://github.com/jwestbrook/bootstrap-prototype
examples http://cwaadmin.com/bootstrap/