Good day,
I am trying to validate a pretty huge form on my side, and basically rewritten all of my viewModel code so it can be validated. Problem is that ko.validatedObservable() doesn't seem to exist for some reason. I have used the code from this site, and I honestly cannot see what's the problem in my code. Here is a sample:
var someNameSpace= {};
someNameSpace.bindData = function () {
someNameSpace.viewModel =
someNameSpace.initViewModel("123456", "username1", "address1", "address2", "city");
someNameSpace.initViewModel = function (partnerId, username, address1, address2, city) {
var someViewModel = ko.validatedObservable({ //<----FAILS HERE
partnerId: ko.observable(partnerId).extend({ required: "This field is required", number: true }),
username: ko.observable(username).extend({ required: "This field is required" }),
address1: ko.observable(address1).extend({ required: "This field is required" }),
address2: ko.observable(address2).extend({ required: "This field is required" }),
city: ko.observable(city).extend({ required: "This field is required" }),
var validationOptions = { insertMessages: true, decorateElement: true };
return someViewModel ;
$(document).ready(function () {
On that site, it claims to use the ko.validatedObservable in order to inspect whether or not fields were correctly entered by the user. I am still very new to knockoutJS - what can I do?
You need to include a reference to the 'knockout.validation.js'
GitHub reference